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Let users authenticate with enterprise providers like Microsoft or AWS to increase security and minimize friction.
Provide experience and security that your customers need.
Make your page look like part of your application.
All you need to offload management to your business accounts and partners.
Administrator in every organization will be able to do/adjust:
Invite new and manage existing users.
Change account details defined in the organization schema.
Control how organization users sign-in and set up SSO.
Add applications for API integration.
Create roles and permissions and assign them to users.
Gain more users quickly by letting them share resources and enabling collaboration.
Ready to use Security Profiles including: OB UK, FDX, OB Brazil, CDR, KSA, FAPI 2.0, and more.
Multi-tenant OAuth server for Financial Institutions with elevated data security and data sharing requirements.
Protect Open Finance Data APIs with rich, locally enforced, and centrally managed authorization.
Enable customers to grant and manage their data-sharing consents. Build consent apps quickly.
Enable customers to make a fully-informed decision whether to approve or deny a data sharing request.
Empower users with a possibility to review and manage their authorizations.
Manage the arrangements on behalf of consumers.
Spin up dockerized Open Finance Sandbox and get familiar with the Open Finance Flows.
Reduce your Time-to-Market with a brandable Consent Screen.
Explore Open Finance User Journeys using mock financial institution and a third-party provider application.