
Integration with the Kusk API Gateway

This article describes the integration of the Cloudentity authorization platform with the Kusk API Gateway, to provide externalized runtime authorization, along with policy-based access controls for Kubernetes services.

Cloudentity Integration with Kusk API Gateway

The latest release of the Kusk API Gateway features integration with Cloudentity authorization platform. This allows developers to easily leverage their OpenAPI (Swagger) specifications, to implement policy-based access control for their Kubernetes services.

Kusk integration diagram

Kusk API Gateway in a Nutshell

The Kusk API Gateway is a Kubernetes-native API gateway based on the Envoy proxy. Kusk is OpenAPI-driven, making it possible to easily validate, deploy and monitor REST APIs in a Kubernetes cluster.

The Kusk Gateway uses the ubiquitous OpenAPI specification file as a single source of truth for making an API available to consumers, which includes routing configuration, request validation, timeouts, etc. Thanks to Kusk Gateway and the industry-standard OpenAPI (Swagger) specification, you can quickly publish your APIs deployed in Kubernetes without having to add any additional configuration resources, which plays nicely with both manual and automated/GitOps-based development workflows.

Kusk Gateway enables you to design and deploy your APIs from a single OpenAPI definition, allowing you to:

  • Rapidly prototype your REST APIs by mocking your API responses, allowing your teams to instantly start building on top of your APIs without your services being implemented
  • Enable automation of the entire deployment process of your API without requiring manual DevOps intervention
  • Protect your endpoints with automatic request and response validations
  • Delegate API access-control to the Cloudentity authorization platform

External Authorization Benefits

As applications become API-centric, it becomes essential to focus on the data that is exposed in the contract via the APIs, along with the governance, authorization and visibility into data access by numerous consuming applications. Authorization should be externalized, centrally managed, and flexible enough at runtime to be moved away from the core business logic itself. Owners of the data that is being shared via APIs should be able to monitor all data requests and apply sufficient authorization controls over requested data in a flexible manner, especially in this era of very fast evolving data sharing specifications across various jurisdictions.

The Cloudentity authorization platform provides a centralized, externalized and flexible way to provide authorization capability for business applications with all the required governance and real time visibility for data access protection for the GraphQL ecosystem.

The Cloudentity authorization platform enables application developers to:

  • Eliminate the need to embed data-authorization policies into REST services
  • Decouple hard-to-audit local enforcement rules and move them to a centralized location
  • Manage, govern, and enforce the externalized authorization rules independently of the application development

It enables applications to:

  • Transitively support advanced data authorization requirements, including role based access control (RBAC) and attribute based access control (ABAC) style models, without any modification to application code
  • Readily comply with data sharing and privacy controls in emerging OpenData standards such as Open Banking, Open Energy, Open Insurance, and more.
  • Define and maintain all the authorization rules to be enforced as policies that allow policy approval, review, and other governance process.
  • Utilize “Authorization as a service” offering either from Cloud or in a hybrid or on-prem model

Finally, the Cloudentity authorization platform enables:

  • Application security engineers to have more visibility to platforms that are requesting data and enforce conditional policies to restrict based on various conditions.
  • Application authorization policies to be defined in a declarative format, which can be propagated across environments using modern CI/CD and DevOps pipelines.

Kusk with Cloudentity - a Simple Demo

The integration of the Kusk API Gateway with Cloudentity authorization platform makes it easy to delegate policy-decisioning from the Kusk API Gateway to the Cloudentity authorization platform. This demo shows just how easy it is.


You will need:

For detailed instructions on setting up the prerequisites, you can refer to Protecting APIs on Kusk Gateway.

Install the Kusk API Gateway in Kubernetes

This first step is to install the Kusk API Gateway in your Kubernetes cluster. Kusk is a Kubernetes-native application, making this an easy task to accomplish:

kusk cluster install --no-dashboard --no-api
✔  Looking for Helm...
✔  Adding Kubeshop repository...
✔  Fetching the latest charts...
✔  Installing Kusk Gateway
✔  Installing Envoy Fleet...
•  --no-api set - skipping api installation

Install the Cloudentity Authorizer

Next, follow the instructions in Protecting APIs on Kusk Gateway to create the API Authorizer. The QuickStart page will show a Helm invocation to install the authorizer in your Kubernetes cluster, with the client credentials properly set up for your authorizer:

Cloudentity Gateway Management Quickstart

You can install the Authorizer using the following command:

  • {client-id} and {client-secret} are the credentials of your authorizer created in Cloudentity

  • {tid} and {aid} are tenant and workspace IDs, respectively

  • The parameters are visible in the command displayed in your Cloudentity tenant’s Authorizers menu

helm repo add acp https://charts.cloudentity.io
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install cloudentity-authorizer acp/standalone-authorizer \
--set clientCredentials.clientID={client-id} \
--set clientCredentials.clientSecret={client-secret} \
--set issuerURL=https://{tid}.authz.cloudentity.io/{tid}/{aid} \
--namespace kusk-system
Release "cloudentity-authorizer" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: cloudentity-authorizer
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Sep 23 12:33:54 2022
NAMESPACE: kusk-system
STATUS: deployed

Install a sample REST Service

For the purpose of this demonstration, we are going to install the popular httpbin service. You can find this manifest in the acp-on-k8s repository:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudentity/acp-on-k8s/master/examples/httpbin/deployment.yaml
serviceaccount/httpbin created
service/httpbin created
deployment.apps/httpbin created

Deploy the sample API to the Kusk Gateway

Kusk is OpenAPI-driven, so to deploy our httpbin service, we only need to provide an OpenAPI specification, with suitable extensions.

  1. For the purpose of this demo, we use a spec that only exposes the GET /anything endpoint. Save it under api-httpbin.yaml.

    openapi: 3.0.0
      title: httpbin-api
      description: HTTPbin api
      version: '0.1.0'
          name: httpbin
          namespace: default
          port: 80
        enabled: true
            hostname: cloudentity-authorizer-standalone-authorizer.kusk-system # default authorizer service, change in case your authorizer is installed differently
            port: 9004
            - application/json
              description: Anything passed in request
          summary: Returns anything passed in request data.
            - Anything

    Note that the x-kusk element contains an upstream object that points to our httpbin service, and an auth object, which delegates API authorization to the Cloudentity authorizer. Kusk standards can change, though - if you face issues related to this specification, please consult Kusk documentation.

  2. To deploy this Service to the Kusk gateway, we simply invoke the extended specification above:

    kusk api generate -i api-httpbin.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
    api.gateway.kusk.io/httpbin-api created

    The API defined by this OpenAPI specification will have been synced to Cloudentity, via the Kusk-Cloudentity integration:

    Cloudentity Gateway Management APIs

  3. To exercise our newly-deployed API, we will create a local port-forward to the Kusk Gateway:

    kubectl -n kusk-system port-forward service/kusk-gateway-envoy-fleet 7080:80

    And then curl the local port:

    curl -D - -X GET http://localhost:7080/anything
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    x-kusk-mocked: true
    content-type: application/json
    content-length: 30
    date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 10:54:45 GMT
    server: envoy
    {"message":"Mocked Response!"}%
  4. Next, lets define a policy of the API Request type using REGO. Use the Cloudentity’s REGO Policy Editor, with the following definition, which requires the request to have a custom header REGULAR_USER:

    package acp.authz
    default allow = false
    allow {
      input.request.method == "GET"
      input.request.headers["X-Custom-Header"][_] == "REGULAR_USER"
  5. Now, we can attach this policy to the GET /anything endpoint under Enforcement > APIs > Policy assigned:

    Cloudentity REGO Policy Editor

    After attaching the policy, access is now rejected:

    curl -D - -X GET http://localhost:7080/anything
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    date: Fri, 23 Sep 2022 23:14:17 GMT
    x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 5
    server: envoy
    content-length: 0

    But, if we add the custom header that the REGO policy requires, the request is authorized again:

    curl -D - -X GET http://localhost:7080/anything -H "X-Custom-Header: REGULAR_USER"
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    x-kusk-mocked: true
    content-type: application/json
    content-length: 30
    date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 11:22:26 GMT
    server: envoy


We have seen how the Kusk API Gateway leverages the OpenAPI specification, to make it easy to deploy and protect that REST APIs of your Kubernetes services. Kusk integration with Cloudentity makes it especially easy to delegate API-authorization to the Cloudentity authorization platform, which brings the key benefits that:

  • API Authorization policy need not be implemented in the REST services themselves.
  • Authorization policies are centrally administered, with benefits to auditability and ease of management.
  • Cloudentity’s authorization platform provides convenience and flexibility in defining policies.

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Updated: Oct 31, 2022