
1 min read

Cloudentity Developer Portals

Cloudentity Developer Portals are used to enable third party developers to create and manage client applications.

Developer Portal Overview

Developer Portal

Cloudentity supports third-party developer enablement by providing developer portals. Developer portals are attached to workspaces. Third party developers registered to portals create their own applications that integrate with APIs exposed by services in the workspace. Data sharing with third party applications happens upon user consent.

Developer Portals can be connected to Cloudentity workspaces in order to allow your developers or third-party developers to add and configure applications.

Using the Developer Portal developers can, for example:

  • Configure the application details like logos, redirect URIs, and more.

  • Configure application properties like allowed grant types, available response types, and more.

  • Configure scopes assigned to application.

  • Check all endpoints associated with this application, for example, the OAuth Token Endpoint, OAuth Authorization Endpoint, and more.

You can connect developer portals to multiple Cloudentity workspaces.

Updated: Jun 20, 2023