Deployment and Operations

2 mins read

GitOps Debugging

Learn how to debug Cloudentity on Kubernetes via gitOps

Debugging with FluxCD

FluxCD is a powerful GitOps tool that automates deployments in Kubernetes. If things don’t go as planned, having an understanding of how to debug the issues can save valuable time. This guide offers insights into debugging common FluxCD resources such as Sources, Kustomizations, and Helm Releases using Makefile targets.

Debugging Sources


  • Check the Source Status: Use the Makefile target make sources-status to get a list of all sources and their statuses.

  • Check for Failing Sources: Use the Makefile target make sources-check-failing to get a list of all failing sources.

  • Logs: Inspect the logs of the Source Controller using the Makefile target make debug.

  • Validate Source Configuration: Ensure that the .spec field in your GitRepository or HelmRepository manifests is correctly configured, pointing to the right URL and branch.

Debugging Kustomizations

  • Check the Kustomization Status: Use the Makefile target make kustomization-status to get the status of all kustomizations.

  • Check For Failing Kustomizations: If you want to check if any Kustomizations are failing, use the make kustomization-check-failing target.

  • Logs: View the logs of the kustomize-controller using the Makefile target make debug.

  • Check Dependencies: Ensure that the Kustomization’s dependencies like Sources are in the right state and correctly set up.

  • Validate Kustomization Files: If a Kustomization points to a specific path in a git repository, validate it using make kustomization-build DIR=<path-to-dir>.

Debugging Helm Releases

  • Check the Flux Helm Releases Status: To get a list of all Flux Helm Releases and their status, use the make helm-status target.

  • Check For Failing Flux Helm Releases: If you want to check if any Flux Helm Releases are failing, use the make helm-check-failing target.

  • Logs: Check the logs of the helm-controller using the Makefile target make debug.

  • Validate Helm Values: Ensure that the .spec.values in your HelmRelease manifest is correctly configured. Look for any missing or incorrectly set values that the Helm chart might require.

  • Dependencies: Confirm that the HelmRelease’s dependencies like chart sources are available and in a healthy state.

Remember, understanding the relationship between these resources and their dependencies is key. Debugging typically involves ensuring that the pipeline, from source through kustomization to helm release, is set up and functioning properly.

Updated: Oct 27, 2023