April 28, 2023
Minor Enhancements
[ AUT-8864 ] - Added support for sending tracing data using the HTTP protocol. HTTP support can
be enabled by setting the insecure_http
configuration option to true
service_name: acp # service name
exporter: otlp # opentelemetry exporter (jaeger or otlp)
- jaeger
endpoint: otel-collector.platform.svc.cluster.local:4317 # otlp endpoint
path: /v1/traces # overwrite the default otlp path
root_ca: "" # when using self signed https cert on otlp collector, you can provided trusted root ca
insecure_skip_verify: false # disable otel collector https cert verification for self signed certs
insecure_http: true # use http instead of https, this flag is not supported in 2.4.2
Bug Fixes
[ AUT-8005 ] - Fixed an issue where a workspace had more than N policies, the UI showed APIs as Unrestricted when bound to some policies.