Deployment and Operations

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Release Notes: Cloudentity 2.4.5

This article is a summary of new features and changes in Cloudentity Cloudentity version 2.4.5.

May 05, 2023

[ AUT-8933 ] - For Cloudentity authorizers, we added support configuring OpenTelemetry and sending tracing data. Using the HTTP protocol instead of HTTPs can be enabled by setting the insecure_http configuration option to true. If you need to configure OpenTelemetry for your authorizer, pass the otel configuration as part of the extraConfig authorizer configuration parameter. See example below:

## Additional istio-authorizer ConfigMap entries
## The data should match istio-authorizer configuration options
    service_name: acp-istio-authorizer # service name
    exporter: otlp # opentelemetry exporter (jaeger or otlp)
    # enabled propagators (b3, baggage, tracecontext, ottrace, jaeger)
      - jaeger
    # jaeger opentelemetry exporter
  # opentelemetry protocol exporter
      endpoint: otel-collector.platform.svc.cluster.local:4318 # otlp endpoint
      # path: /v1/traces # otlp path
      # root_ca: "" # otlp root ca
      insecure_skip_verify: false # disable cert verification
      insecure_http: true # use http instead of https
Updated: Jun 6, 2023